Monday, February 23, 2009

welcome to really cheesy songs i like

today, i'll be discussing "thinking of you". ya know, that song where katy perry does a frighteningly accurate impersonation of alanis morisette?

i think the reason i like it so much is because the subject matter adresses my most biggest fear at the moment; banging someone new only to find out that your ex was really way better. since i absolutely refuse to download anything by katy perry, i only ever listen to this song in the car. when it comes on the radio, you can generally find me white-knuckling my steering wheel and shaking in terror, with just the faintest sparkle of a tear at the corner of my eye. i know this sounds a bit unpleasant, but it's actually a weird, sort of adrenaline rush type thing, like how people watch horror movies because they kinda like being scared.

in any case, way to go katy perry! you've actually made a song that doesn't make me wanna rip out your vocal chords on behalf of all womankind.

love always

p.s. check out the video as well, in which ms. perry pretends that her ex is dead, as if the song isn't about her being a foolish slut. really katy, i can relate to the foolish slut thing, the dead boyfriend, not so much.

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