Thursday, October 16, 2008

the best part of any sappy movie is the soundtrack

i have made a vow to myself to keep this blog light and cheerful. the last thing i want to do is bore anyone with incessant, whiny self-pity (i do enough of that in my real life, thank you very much). that being said, i have to confess that i'm going through a pretty emotional time and for the past couple of days i've been pretty much a walking puddle of tears. however, this has allowed to me to engage in one of my absolute most favorite, self-indulgent, post-breakup practices: listening to the mushiest, gushiest, most heart-wrenchingly sappy songs, preferably while crying and driving simultaneously. so, more than anything right now i want to share with you my top picks for what to listen to when you feel like wallowing in despair.

keane- a bad dream

i first heard this song on scrubs, in the episode where laverne dies, and to be honest, i don't even like keane, but in the second chorus when the guy croons "..but i just feeel tooo tired", it sounds so genuine that i almost want to forgive him for the fact that the rest of his music blows ass.

amy winehouse- back to black
she may be a complete train wreck, but amy winehouse knows a thing or two about broken hearts. best to listen to this one drunk so you can fully understand where she's coming from.

damien rice- 9 crimes

seriously, be careful with this one, it might make you want to slit your wrists, or worse, call you ex. it's that depressing.

mariah carey- we belong together

such a classic! i heard this on the radio today and sang along like my life depended on it. it's especially satisfying if you can keep up with mimi during the fast parts without losing your breath.

miley cyrus- seven things

okay, this is officially the cheesiest of the cheesy and i feel like i should appologize for even mentioning it, but i had to because i'm a sucker for anything disney.

lily allen- littlest things
the best part of this song is when she says "[i remember] the first time that you introduced me to your friends and you could tell that i was nervous so you held my hand". it makes me lose it every single time.

and of course,

dashboard confessional- screaming infidelities
the rarest of indulgences, because this song is soooooo fucking pussy that if you listen to it while you're not actually in the throes of major heartache it might turn you gay.

ahhh, i feel better already.

love always

1 comment:

inconsciente said...

The one that has the most staying power for me, and I mean for years, is Moby's Memory Gospel. I can so feel myself creeping slowly down that lonely New Haven street, in my steel cocoon on that drizzly dawn after a soul wrenching run of love, indulgence and disappointment. It gives me chills.

...and for just gettin' back on my feet, after the latest fall, it's the eels Novacaine for the soul.

Other Favs:
- Rani Arbo and Daisy Mayhem Thief: Another anthem to the dawn after the wreckage.

- Blind Boys of Alabama The last time: Almost as powerful as an inner city NA meeting.

- Patti Smith Spell: her sweet and intense rendition of part of Allen Ginsberg's epic Howl. A good theme song for blog named infinite gratitude.

- Chris Whitley Big Sky Country: Made me realize, for once and for all, I had to go west.

- BB King The thrill is gone: Probably the best divorce song ever.

I could go on, and I will, but not now.