Saturday, March 28, 2009
rock n roll is back from the dead
seriously folks, when was the last time you heard a good rock record? not pop-rock, not emo-rock, not even 80s hair band rock, but just good old alternative rock. i'm willing to bet that it was sometime in the 90s, as evidenced by the fact that "modern rock" stations are still playing nirvana every two seconds.
if you, like me, are infinitely irritated by this, you'll be happy to hear that metric's new album fantasies is a sprawling, guitar-driven masterpiece that is, in my opinion, capable of reviving an almost extinct genre. i'm talking about catchy hooks, pounding drums, and of course, dirty, grimey distorted guitars. the cherry on top is emily haines' appealingly careless vocals, an ever-so-slightly-flat sing-song that says i'm way too cool to give a shit whether or not my pitch is perfect.
lyrically, this album is among the most intense i've heard. in my opinion rock lyrics have suffered possibly more than any other aspect of the genre. when rockers started disowning the emotion behind the music, they forced it, like any thing that is stifled, to emerge in disturbing forms, such as slit-your-wrists emo, or whiny, creed-esque country rock (shudder). it seems that nowadays it's considered hip to remain emotionally distant from the music you write.
while the lyrics to these songs do border on the enigmatic, they still contain enough raw emotional substance to truly hit home. whether on the glittery, creeptastic satelite mind, or in the animal orgy/throwdown of stadium love, these songs pack a punch while still managing to leave plenty of space for the listeners own interpretation. to me, this an album about what happens at 4 am in the dessert, but i highly doubt that anyone else has made the same connection. in a way, that makes it even more special to me, because my understanding of it is so highly personal.
this is, perhaps what i like best about this album. it is what you make of it. these are the kind of songs that encourage you to think, to imagine, to become inspired. (i took out my guitar for the first time in years, just to attempt to learn gimme sympathy so that i could play it for fluff.) in this way, metric has taken it way back, to the root of everything. fantasies is what rock n roll dreams are made of.
love always
p.s.- there's even acoustic versions of some of the songs. how fucking rock n roll is that?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
really cheesy songs i like, part deux
i'm twenty-four years old and i watch the disney channel .
yes, yes, i know this may seem a bit immature, but in my defense it was fluff who got me hooked on it, and like many things that i enjoy, it's harmless and comforting.
now that that's off my chest, i can tell you that the other day i was watching disney, when i saw the video for the new demi lovato song and immediately fell in love. it's called "don't forget" and it's so simple that even i could probably figure out how to play it on the guitar.
i have a love-hate relationship with demi lovato. she's like the ghost of what i thought i wanted to be when i grew up. she's so fucking pretty. and she's young. and her voice sounds the way mine used to sound before i smoked cigarettes for ten years. even more jealousy-inspiring is the fact that she got to star in camp rock. i seriously would've given up my pinky finger for that part.
in any case, here's another confession:
i actually bought the cd from itunes. i liked the song so much that i couldn't even wait to download it illegaly, so i went out and purchased the damn thing. i've been listening to it non-stop ever since.
love always
Sunday, March 22, 2009
my brand new non-career
i waitressed for five years before i decided to sell wine for a living, and although i occasionally resented my customers, got sick of the late hours or felt like everyone's slave, for the most part, i really enjoyed it. here are my top five reasons why:
5. you actually get to move
the first year that i was waitressing, i dropped about twenty pounds and i couldn't figure out why. then i got a job in a fancy wine shop where i sat at a computer all day, and i gained it all back. that's when it clicked. all those hours that i was busting my ass waiting on tables, i was excercising without even realizng it! not only is it great to be active because you lose weight, but it can also improve your mood drastically.
4. time flies
working in a restaurant is simple. you go in, you do what needs to be done, then you leave. there's no watching the clock, no trying to look busy. either you are busy, or you get cut.
3. free time
restaurant hours are great. shifts are typically short and don't start until later in the day. no one calls you on your day off. no one expects you to put in more time just to prove how dedicated how your are. no one expects you to do anything except show up for your shift and finish your sidework. what this means is that you get plenty of space to do what really matters to you, whether it be working on a side project, or drinking till four am every night.
2. it's such a bonding experience
restaurants are pretty low-commitment, but at times, they can be brutal. the staff gets overwhelmed, the customers get hungry, the managers are all overworked and underpaid. emotions can run pretty high, especially when it's busy and everyone's in the weeds. because of this, you really rely on your co-workers to get you through it when they can. i've met some of my best friends working in restaurants, and we're still close to this day.
1. it's fucking fun!
yes, it's hard work. no, you never get the appreciation that you deserve. sometimes the chef flips out and calls you a whore. other times you wanna murder your co-worker who somehow always gets the best section despite the fact the they never do their sidework. despite all that, it's great fun. you schmooze your customers, gossip with the staff, and deliver people yummy food and drinks all night. you meet lots of cool people, try lots of great food and you get to be social all the time. coming from where i'm coming from, that sounds like a pretty sweet deal.
love always
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
i always suspected he might be gay....
like the other day, steff and i went to hot topic to buy green hair extensions for st. patrick's day, and the guy at the checkout totally tried to hard-sell me on pre-ordering the dvd so i could get an invitation to the exclusive hot topic twilight release party. when i told him that i didn't want to be the oldest person there he got all defensive and said i'd be surprised how many people my age would be there. i still declined, politely i might add, but then his friend jumped in and said that i'd be missing out because there was gonna be a ventriloquist there with an edward puppet.
i've been having nightmares ever since.
then, i saw a preview of one of the deleted scenes on the dvd, and it's so awkwardly sexual that i felt like i was watching a porno. basically what happens is, bella's all like "hey edward, want a taste?", then she proceeds to finger-bang his mouth while he tries not to eat her fucking hand off. that shit isn't even right.
then, worst of all, i heard about how edward ( i mean robert pattinson) plays salvador dali in a gay porn.
wait, what? was dali even gay?
i'm alternately dying to see it and trembling in fear.
seriously though, does anyone else find it ironic that stephanie meyer's horny, mormon ass accidentally created such a sexual phenomenon?
love always
Sunday, March 15, 2009
i'm totally not irish, but...
we went shopping the day before for some green gear that was appropriately flashy yet fashionably subdued. in other words, we wanted to go green without looking like every other girl in downtown hartford.
here's what i came up with
(i look uber-pissed, but i'm actually not. i am however quite innebriated in this particular photo)
mostly, it ended up being a good time. we started drinking around 10 am (car bombs and jameson on the rocks- yes, i'm hardcore). the parade included a fairly large number of grown men in skirts which was entertaining, but the cheerleader's uniform's were so short that i also saw a fairly large number of pre-teen asscheeks, which was a bit disturbing.
the other thing that was disturbing was the lack of public restrooms. they literally had two porto-potties for the whole parade, which meant that steff and i spent a lot of our day squatting behind various dumpsters.
when the parade was ending we decided to hit up spiritus to get our drink on in case the bars got too crowded. consequently, i ended up carrying around a bottle of cono sur pinot noir (one of joe schling's favorites for y'all that dont know about that) in a black bag like a straight-up hoodrat.
at that point, we were navigating through this intense, thick sea of people and every two seconds someone kept stopping me to be like "OMG!!! kanye west!!!". obviously, it was because of the shades. i mean, aside from them, i do not resemble kanye west in the slightest. but seriously people, did kanye west invent shutter shades? is he the only person in the world who has access to them? i get that he did indeed wear a pair of them once, but other than that, is there any reason to get so starstruck over a pair of glasses?
after a while, we thought it would be funny if we let vinnie wear them, because he bears a much stronger resemblance to kanye west than i. i didn't get to snap a pic with the glasses, but just try to imagine it
it really did look kinda convincing. the funny thing is that as soon as he put on the glasses, not one person came up to us. not one! perhaps they thought he really was kanye and they got intimidated.
in any case, a fun time was had by all. i've been hearing about this particular event for a really long time, but it never really caught my fancy. i'm glad that steff suggested it, because i plan on leaving CT as soon as i possibly can, and it really would've been a shame to miss such a crap carnival as this.
love always
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
here's where the insanity starts
case in point, this morning i spent such a long time making myself a beautiful breakfast, that i couldn't just eat it. i had to take a picture of it, which i will now share with you.
in case it just looks like a bowl of glop to you, i will explain it.
first, i took some organic oats from whole foods and boiled them in water with a whole bunch of butter. if you ever make this dish, do not skimp on the butter. it's such a healthy meal that a nice chunk of butter is perfectly acceptable, unless you'd prefer eating something that tastes like cardboard.
ok, after your oats are all buttery, you have to cut up a massive pile of fruits and put them on top of the oats. then you can dollop some fage, or any other thick greek yogurt on top of that. for those of you who don't know about fage, you're totally missing out. it's truly amazing stuff. it's thick and rich and ultra-creamy. honestly it tastes alot like sour cream only more yogurty. i use it in everything. salad dressings, breakfast, dessert, you name it, but the best, and easiest way to enjoy it is simply drizzled with a lot of honey. yum.
now that your breakfast has been faged, you can sprinkle some sliced almonds, drizzle some honey and you're good to go. it doesn't just look pretty, it tastes good too. i promise.
love always
Monday, March 9, 2009
i'm such a trendsetter
not necessarily the dog collar, but the studs in particular. i've seen them everywhere. on shoes, shirts, bags, earings, you name it. i'm especially pleased about this because it means that i will be spared the embarassment of walking into hot topic just to purchase my studded accesories.
sometimes i get really possesive about fashion statements. like, if i've been rocking a particular style and all of a sudden everyone else is wearing it, i feel kind of jilted. studded accesories however, are one trend that i really don't mind sharing. i seriously love them that much. they are just so classic. i mean, nothing says badass better than the three-row pyramid belt.
the best example of this new trend that i've seen so far are these amazing sandals from urban outfitters. admiteddly, they are pricey as shit, but some things are just worth it.
love always
Friday, March 6, 2009
everything was worth this
sometimes i get scared that i won't do enough stuff before i die. that's there's just too much beauty in the world and i won't be able to experience enough of it. that's why things like this make me so happy. i get to step outside of my little box and really do something new.
now, of course the most essential part of such a vacation is figuring out which swimsuit i should buy to bring with me. for this, i have been neurotically consulting the orchid boutique . i can't decide between the aqua de arcoiris from aqua bendita or the dezert love bikini from maaji.....
in addition to my little trip to p.r., i'm also planning another big adventure in september, but more about that later. suffice to say that right now i'm not so upset about losing that job anymore.
love always
okay, so i lied
yes, quest did a few really cool tricks, and during britney week, they almost had me. im glad that the crew who won was actually capable of dancing. but in all honesty, beatfreaks deserved that title.
(it did not help that fluff teased me mercilessly about the fact that they lost. he got me feeling really sulky and resentful.)
the best part though, by far was when j.c. (swoon) called quest "america's best hair crew". that shit had me dying.
next season, i am forming an all-girl crew, and we better win that shit!
love always
Thursday, March 5, 2009
the moment of reckoning has finally come
so now we're gearing up for the final episode tonight on mtv, and i couldn't be happier or more excited. both of my favorite crews made it to the final two, and for once i feel like it (mostly) a fair game. i've decided that i want beatfreaks to win tonight. yes, it's because they're girls! the past two seasons it's been all guy crews and that shit just ain't right. also, if they do win, i'm totally looking forward to lots of crying and girlyhugs and blabbering about feminist dreams and whatnot. that kind of stuff really tickles my fancy.
if quest crew does take it, i won't be that, that upset. unlike the winners from the past two seasons, these boys are actually good dancers. i just think that ocasionally they lost the aesthetic appeal of their dances, because they focused too much on doing tricks. typical boys!
beatfreaks on the other hand, were always clean, always tight, but sometimes i think they didn't do enough tricks to really grab the voters' attention. last week, their performances were solid, but a bit bland. i fear for them!
in any case, no matter who wins and who loses, i'm glad that the voters and the judges managed to decide on two talented crews to face off in the finale.
love always
Monday, March 2, 2009
this is the lamest recession ever
i woke up on thursday morning, all set for a super-long day at work. i had accounts to see, and immediately afterwards, a long sales meeting. but then i got a phone call from my boss asking if i could please come to the office a bit early to speak with him. i knew right then that something bad was going to happen.
i tried to get my boss to meet with me earlier. i was anxious and scared and not looking forward to an enire day of shaky anticipation. he refused.
at my last account of the day, i could barely hold my shit together. i rushed out before i had even finished the order, leaving my customer confused and bewildered and tripping over my own feet on the way out.
when i finally made it to my bosses office, they called in my direct supervisor and delivered the blow swiftly.
we've been waiting for you to exhibit certain behaviors that you have not yet exhibited.
you're a nice person, but that's all you are.
we're going to have to let you go.
and the icing on the cake: is there anything you would like to say?
in fact, there were many things i would've liked to say. such as: exactly what beahviors were you waiting for me to exhibit? perhaps if i had magically grown a dick so as to fit in better with the rest of the sales force?
i did not say any of those things. instead, i tried not to cry as i attempted to erase all incriminating evidence from my company issued laptop. eventually, we all agreed that perhaps it would be better if i returned the laptop the next day, after i had a chance to pull myself together.
i drove home in a haze of tears. i screamed into the phone at my mother that no, everything was not fucking okay. i called the customers that i was exceptionally close with and they reasurred me that i would, indeed be missed, and that no, i was not a terrible sales person.
then i sat. i sat and i thought, for a really long time. i thought of how i had spent my birthday this past year sitting in a wine class that failed to teach me anything i did not already know. i thought about the abortion that i had in may because no one wants to buy booze from a pregnant chick. i thought about the new car i had purchased, in order to run my new route, and i wondered how the fuck i would ever make the payment if i were forced to take a pay cut. i waited for some great realization, but it did not come. i could only sit and go over every sacrifice i had made for a job that no longer belonged to me.
it wasn't until later, after i admitted to myself that maybe i shouldn't be alone, and had gone to find comfort at a friends house, that it started to be okay. we were watching some commercial, possibly for apple or some such company. the commercial featured words like innovative, creative, ideas and the future. i used to see commercials like this and feel jealous. for me, those words, that concept, the image that those companies are trying to sell, was a thing of the past.
now, it didn't have to be that way.
i had liked some things about my job. mostly, i liked the fact that i was bringing in good money for a job that felt easy. there were also, however, things about my job that i had hated. things that opressed me. things like when my boss told me that in order to succesfully sell wine, i had to wear darker colors. or like the fact i always felt like i was faking it, and sooner or later, i would be found out. or like the way that during sales meeting my co-workers would always make snide comments like "i guess i have to watch my mouth now that there's a lady in the room."
the bottom line is that i never fit. and in this economy there is no room for an employee who doesn't fit. while this may feel like a bad thing, especially to those of us who no longer have a steady paycheck, i think that there are some positive aspects to the situation as well. it forces us to take a step back and think about where we do fit, where our skills would be the most useful and valued. it forces us to aks ourselves what we can do in this world, for this world, rather than just accepting whichever job pays the most.
personally, i'm excited to no longer be a wine sales rep, because that's not who i am. i am a writer. i am a thinker. i am a fabulous dresser (in brightly colored clothing!). i can do a cartwheel on my elbows, and i also happen to know more about wine than anyone else i know. i know in my heart that somewhere on this earth, there is a job for someone with exactly those qualifications, and now i am free to go find it.
there are people in this world who were born to sell wine. people who sell wine so well that it inspires people. people who sell wine in a way that changes the world. people who are so fucking amazing at selling wine that they should be famous for it. i am not one of those people.
there are also people who are great at other things, and who do those other things in a way that inspires people or changes the world or makes them famous.
now, i get to take my place among them.
love always