i remember distinctly, when the movie clueless came out. i was in fifth grade and it was the first time i became truly aware of the idea of personal style. up until then, i had experimented a bit with some ghetto-trashy fashion. even as a kid i was drawn to all the hoochie stuff. but it was alicia silverstone's cher who opened up my eyes to the fact that clothing can be just as artistic an outlet as painting, writing or dancing, and that you can use your image to tell the world all sorts of things about yourself.

from there i went wild, taking fashion risks, going through a goth phase, a glam phase, a slutty phase. i still phase in and out of different styles, tyring to find the one that works best for me, but i always look fondly back at that first phase, the one that started it all.

which is why i'm fixin to bring that shit back! i know that the nineties is experiencing a weird sort of resurgence in fashion lately anyways, so it's not like this is totally original of me, but still, somewhere deep inside, i've always been waiting for the day when i could rock my knee-hi's and plaid skirts with pride again.

now, all that's left to do is find an uber-hot, smarty-pants, paul rudd look-alike and my life will be complete.

love always
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