the past week was everything a vacation could possibly hope to be; good, bad, rainy, sunny, humid, exhausting, emotional, unreal, exciting, terrifying, frustrating. i have stories to tell, pictures to show, moments to relive. i'm still in the process of digesting it all.
at the moment it seems pretty unlikely that i will want to write about anything besides this trip for what may seem like an unreasonably long time to some of you. for this i appologize in advance and offer up my sincerest hopes that it doesn't get old too quickly.

these are words that i need to write.
love always
welcome home love!! call me when you're ready to get together...i can't wait to hear all about it =)
Coming back from vacation is awful. It's good to be home and sleeping in your own bed on the one hand, but on the other, it's awfully depressing.
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