we went to san francisco on a wednesday and it was super nice and sunny out. as we drove into the city, i was literally swooning in the backseat. yes, folks, believe the stories. san francisco is fucking gorgeous. none of that grimey, gray sludge that coats the atmosphere in nyc. it's all blue skies and clean air and weird achitecture.
in short, i'm in love.
after we parked the car, we took a trolley to chinatown, which is so way better than any other chinatown i've been to before. i mean, you can tell that you're in chinatown, not because it smells like fish, but because it looks chinese.
like, this building is a fucking bank. how cool is that?
we ate lunch at this place called brandy ho's. the food was remarkably similair to the food at forbidden city, but seriously, these people should win an award for having the best restaurant name ever.
aslo in chinatown, i shopped for super-cute, super-cheap clothes and jewels.
after chinatown, we walked back through the city to the car. on the way we hit up this crazy fountain, that is also a monument to martin luther king jr.
i looked pretty hot inside of it!
after that, we went to the filmore, which is a shnazzy nieghborhood that costs a million dollars to live in. we took the dog for a walk in the park and at the park we could see the whole city. sheryl said "it's like meeting a guy who's really hot, and really nice and he's totally into you.", which is in fact, exactly what it's like.
we ate dinner at spqr, and i'm still confused about why the hell food and wine named the pasta carbonara as one of the ten best dishes of the year, but somehow neglected to mention the insane lasagne, which almost had me rolling around on the floor it was so good.
so now that i'm in love with san fran, i think i will get super-rich so i can move there and live in a house that looks like this:
or even better, one that looks like this:
love always
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